
Melrose Place, Los Angeles, CA

Type of project: Fit-out
Duration of Project: 19 weeks 
Square footage: 2,900 sf
Partners: JTNAA

Noteworthy: The interior of the boutique is inspired by Villa Balmain, the vacation home of founder Pierre Balmain, with cool, clean and pared-back Mediterranean decor, vaulted ceilings, plastered walls, and black marble flooring. Shawmut placed full plywood sheathing throughout the interior walls for structural integrity as well as a complete courtyard perimeter underpinning to ensure that the $300k black and grey stone flooring will remain intact. The beautiful courtyard features green plants and white flowers along with the black and grey stones, giving it a Southern European residential feel. The VIP entrance through the courtyard also doubles as an ADA accessible entrance.